Kā izvēlēties labāko antikvariātu galdu ar nolaižamajām lapām?

Antikvariāts galds ar nolaižamām lapām ir galds ar divām pusēm, kuras ir nolaižamas, kad tās netiek lietotas. Tas atvieglo uzglabāšanu un atvieglo ierīces pārvietošanu. Meklējot antikvāru lapu pilināmo galdu, svarīgi ir atrast tādu, kas atbilst šim stilam un ir pietiekami labā stāvoklī, lai būtu noderīgs vai vismaz atjaunots lietderīgā stāvoklī. Lielākā daļa antīko galdu, kas ietilpst šajā kategorijā, tiks izgatavoti no koka, un koks ļoti bieži ir ciets koks, kas ir izturīgs un pievilcīgs. Meklējiet no šāda koka izgatavotu antikvāru galdu, kas izgatavots no lapām.

Dažiem no vecākajiem nolaižamo lapu antikvāru galdu dizainiem bija četras kājas, kas tika veidotas, pagriežot vai pagriežot koka gabalu, kamēr dizainam tika izmantots griezējinstruments. Galda kājas bieži bija savienotas ar horizontāliem stabilizējošiem elementiem, un izlocītās lapas tika atbalstītas ar papildu kājām, kas lietošanas laikā tika pagrieztas uz āru. Tas bija pazīstams kā vārtu kāju galds. Šādi galdi bieži tika izgatavoti no valrieksta, lai gan daži citi parasti tika izgatavoti no kļavas. Šīs tabulas, visticamāk, būs diezgan dārgas, jo dažas var datēt ar 17. gadsimtu. Kad to nelieto, tas salocīsies un atspiedīsies pret sienu.

After that design, a new design became common in America. Butterfly tables did not feature full fold-out legs as gate leg tables did, but instead featured a wing-like fold-out that supported the leaf. This design was not as stable as gate leg tables, but it was far more aesthetically pleasing, and the table itself was generally more compact. They were common around the early 18th century. Swing-leg tables were popular for a short time, though these tables were less functional than other tables because they only featured two fixed legs and one leg that swung outward. They were common in the mid to late 18th century. Pembroke tables were common after that; these featured drawers on either side of the table, and elbows underneath the table that supported the leaves when in use. When choosing a drop leaf antique table, be sure to consider whether the design matches the time period in which the table was commonly used.

Be conscious of how much restoration costs will be when you purchase a drop leaf antique table. Some antique tables will need quite a lot of work to be functional, while others will need less work or none at all, especially if the table will only be a showpiece. Buy from reputable dealers when possible, but keep your eyes open for rare finds at estate sales or yard sales as well.